Top 10 Backup and Recovery best practices
Eine kurze Zusammenfassung des Metalink-Dokumentes Note:388422.1 mit Stand von Ende Aug 2006: 1. Turn on block checking alter system set db_block_checking = true scope=both; 2. Turn on block tracking when using RMAN backups (if running 10g) Anm: Das geht nur in der EnterpriseEdition. alter database enable block change tracking; 3. Duplex log groups and members and have more than one archive log dest Anm: Das geht nur in der EnterpriseEdition. alter system set log_archive_dest_2='location=/new/location/archive2' scope=both; alter database add logfile member '/new/location/redo21.log' group 1; 4. When backing up the database use the 'check logical' parameter backup check logical database plus archivelog delete input; 5. Test your backup restore validate database; 6. Have each datafile in a single backup piece Anm: Ob dies im allgemeinen sinnvoll ist, bezweifel ich. backup database filesperset 1 plus archivelog delete input; 7. Maintain your RMAN catalog/controlfi...