
Es werden Posts vom August, 2011 angezeigt.

APEX: Version 4.1 verfügbar

unter ist ab sofort die Version 4.1 von APEX verfügbar.

PL/SQL: Strings in PL/SQL

Strings can be literals or variables. A string literal begins and ends with a single quotation mark: 'This is a string literal' If you need to embed a single quote inside a string literal, you can type in two single quotes right next to one another, as in: 'This isn''t a date' You can also use the “q” character to indicate an alternative terminating character for the literal: q'[This isn't a date]' A string variable is an identifier declared with a string datatype and then assigned a value (which could be a literal or an expression). Quelle: OraMag 09/10 2011 Seite 65 (Steve Feuerstein) Für schwierigere Strings ist die q-Notation von Vorteil, da hier das Maskieren der enthaltenen Hochkomma entfällt.