ODI: Parameter für OdiStartScen
Auszug aus Doku: Usage OdiStartScen -SCEN_NAME=<scenario> -SCEN_VERSION=<version> [-CONTEXT=<context>] [-ODI_USER=<odi user> -ODI_PASS=<odi password>] [-SESSION_NAME=<session_name>] [-LOG_LEVEL=<log_level>] [-AGENT_CODE=<logical_agent_name>] [-SYNC_MODE=<1|2>] [-KEYWORDS=<keywords>] [-<VARIABLE>=<value>]* Parameters Parameters Mandatory Description -SCEN_NAME=<scenario> Yes Name of the scenario to start. -SCEN_VERSION=<version> Yes Version of the scenario to start. If the version specified is -1, the last version of the scenario is executed. -CONTEXT=<context> No Code of the execution context. If this parameter is omitted, the scenario is executed in the execution context of the calling session. -ODI_USER=<odi user> No Oracle Data Integrator user to be used to run the scenario. The privileges of this user are used. If this para...