
Es werden Posts vom November, 2011 angezeigt.

PGA unter Oracle 11g

aus der Doku: Quelle: 7.5 PGA Memory Management For complex queries (for example, decision support queries), a big portion of the run-time area is dedicated to work areas allocated by memory intensive operators, such as the following: * Sort-based operators, such as ORDER BY, GROUP BY, ROLLUP, and window functions * Hash-join * Bitmap merge * Bitmap create * Write buffers used by bulk load operations Sizing: A) Ideally, the size of a work area is big enough that it can accommodate the input data and auxiliary memory structures allocated by its associated SQL operator. This is known as the optimal size of a work area. B) When the size of the work area is smaller than optimal, the response time increases, because an extra pass is performed over part of the input data. This is known as the one-pass size of the work area. C) Under the one-pass threshold, when the size of a work area is far too small compar...

Confluence - WIKI -> PDF-Export mehrerer Seiten

Exporting Multiple Pages or the Entire Space * Berechtigungen To export to PDF, you will need 'Export Space' permission which is assigned by a space administrator from the Space Administration screens. See Space Permissions or contact a space administrator for more information. * Vorgehen Go to the 'Advanced' view for the space. To do this: Go to a page in the space, open the 'Browse' menu and select 'Advanced'. The 'Advanced' view will open. Click 'PDF Export' in the left-hand panel