PGA unter Oracle 11g

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7.5 PGA Memory Management

For complex queries (for example, decision support queries), a big portion of the run-time area is dedicated to work areas allocated by memory intensive operators, such as the following:

* Sort-based operators, such as ORDER BY, GROUP BY, ROLLUP, and window functions

* Hash-join

* Bitmap merge

* Bitmap create

* Write buffers used by bulk load operations

A) Ideally, the size of a work area is big enough that it can accommodate the input data and auxiliary memory structures allocated by its associated SQL operator. This is known as the optimal size of a work area.

B) When the size of the work area is smaller than optimal, the response time increases, because an extra pass is performed over part of the input data. This is known as the one-pass size of the work area.

C) Under the one-pass threshold, when the size of a work area is far too small compared to the input data size, multiple passes over the input data are needed. This could dramatically increase the response time of the operator. This is known as the multi-pass size of the work area.

For example, a serial sort operation that must sort 10 GB of data needs a little more than 10 GB to run optimal and at least 40 MB to run one-pass. If this sort gets less that 40 MB, then it must perform several passes over the input data.

7.5.1 Configuring Automatic PGA Memory

When configuring a brand new instance, it is hard to know precisely the appropriate setting for PGA_AGGREGATE_TARGET. You can determine this setting in three stages:

Make a first estimate for PGA_AGGREGATE_TARGET. By default, Oracle Database uses 20% of the SGA size. However, this initial setting may be too low for a large DSS system.

Run a representative workload on the instance and monitor performance, using PGA statistics collected by Oracle Database, to see whether the maximum PGA size is under-configured or over-configured.

Tune PGA_AGGREGATE_TARGET, using Oracle PGA advice statistics. V$PGASTAT

This view gives instance-level statistics on the PGA memory usage and the automatic PGA memory manager. For example:


The output of this query might look like the following:

aggregate PGA target parameter 41156608 bytes
aggregate PGA auto target 21823488 bytes
global memory bound 2057216 bytes
total PGA inuse 16899072 bytes
total PGA allocated 35014656 bytes
maximum PGA allocated 136795136 bytes
total freeable PGA memory 524288 bytes
PGA memory freed back to OS 1713242112 bytes
total PGA used for auto workareas 0 bytes
maximum PGA used for auto workareas 2383872 bytes
total PGA used for manual workareas 0 bytes
maximum PGA used for manual workareas 8470528 bytes
over allocation count 291
bytes processed 2124600320 bytes
extra bytes read/written 39949312 bytes
cache hit percentage 98.15 percent

The main statistics displayed in V$PGASTAT are as follows:

aggregate PGA target parameter: This is the current value of the initialization parameter PGA_AGGREGATE_TARGET. The default value is 20% of the SGA size. If you set this parameter to 0, automatic management of the PGA memory is disabled.

aggregate PGA auto target: This gives the amount of PGA memory Oracle Database can use for work areas running in automatic mode. This amount is dynamically derived from the value of the parameter PGA_AGGREGATE_TARGET and the current work area workload. Hence, it is continuously adjusted by Oracle. If this value is small compared to the value of PGA_AGGREGATE_TARGET, then a lot of PGA memory is used by other components of the system (for example, PL/SQL or Java memory) and little is left for sort work areas. You must ensure that enough PGA memory is left for work areas running in automatic mode.

global memory bound: This gives the maximum size of a work area executed in AUTO mode. This value is continuously adjusted by Oracle Database to reflect the current state of the work area workload. The global memory bound generally decreases when the number of active work areas is increasing in the system. As a rule of thumb, the value of the global bound should not decrease to less than one megabyte. If it does, then the value of PGA_AGGREGATE_TARGET should probably be increased.

total PGA allocated: This gives the current amount of PGA memory allocated by the instance. Oracle Database tries to keep this number less than the value of PGA_AGGREGATE_TARGET. However, it is possible for the PGA allocated to exceed that value by a small percentage and for a short period, when the work area workload is increasing very rapidly or when the initialization parameter PGA_AGGREGATE_TARGET is set to a too small value.

total freeable PGA memory: This indicates how much allocated PGA memory which can be freed.

total PGA used for auto workareas: This indicates how much PGA memory is currently consumed by work areas running under automatic memory management mode. This number can be used to determine how much memory is consumed by other consumers of the PGA memory (for example, PL/SQL or Java):

PGA other = total PGA allocated - total PGA used for auto workareas

over allocation count: This statistic is cumulative from instance startup. Over-allocating PGA memory can happen if the value of PGA_AGGREGATE_TARGET is too small to accommodate the PGA other component in the previous equation plus the minimum memory required to execute the work area workload. When this happens, Oracle Database cannot honor the initialization parameter PGA_AGGREGATE_TARGET, and extra PGA memory must be allocated. If over-allocation occurs, you should increase the value of PGA_AGGREGATE_TARGET using the information provided by the advice view V$PGA_TARGET_ADVICE.

total bytes processed: This is the number of bytes processed by memory-intensive SQL operators since instance startup. For example, the number of byte processed is the input size for a sort operation. This number is used to compute the cache hit percentage metric.

extra bytes read/written: When a work area cannot run optimally, one or more extra passes is performed over the input data. extra bytes read/written represents the number of bytes processed during these extra passes since instance startup. This number is also used to compute the cache hit percentage. Ideally, it should be small compared to total bytes processed.

cache hit percentage: This metric is computed by Oracle Database to reflect the performance of the PGA memory component. It is cumulative from instance startup. A value of 100% means that all work areas executed by the system since instance startup have used an optimal amount of PGA memory. This is, of course, ideal but rarely happens except maybe for pure OLTP systems. In reality, some work areas run one-pass or even multi-pass, depending on the overall size of the PGA memory. When a work area cannot run optimally, one or more extra passes is performed over the input data. This reduces the cache hit percentage in proportion to the size of the input data and the number of extra passes performed. shows how cache hit percentage is affected by extra passes.

Example 7-3 Calculating Cache Hit Percentage

Consider a simple example: Four sort operations have been executed, three were small (1 MB of input data) and one was bigger (100 MB of input data). The total number of bytes processed (BP) by the four operations is 103 MB. If one of the small sorts runs one-pass, an extra pass over 1 MB of input data is performed. This 1 MB value is the number of extra bytes read/written, or EBP. The cache hit percentage is calculated by the following formula:

BP x 100 / (BP + EBP)

The cache hit percentage in this case is 99.03%, almost 100%. This value reflects the fact that only one of the small sorts had to perform an extra pass while all other sorts were able to run optimally. Hence, the cache hit percentage is almost 100%, because this extra pass over 1 MB represents a tiny overhead. However, if the big sort is the one to run one-pass, then EBP is 100 MB instead of 1 MB, and the cache hit percentage falls to 50.73%, because the extra pass has a much bigger impact. V$SQL_WORKAREA_HISTOGRAM

The following query shows statistics for all non-empty buckets. Empty buckets are removed with the predicate WHERE TOTAL_EXECUTION!= 0.

(HIGH_OPTIMAL_SIZE+1)/1024 high_kb,

You can also use V$SQL_WORKAREA_HISTOGRAM to find the percentage of times work areas were executed in optimal, one-pass, or multi-pass mode since startup. This query only considers work areas of a certain size, with an optimal memory requirement of at least 64 KB.

SELECT optimal_count, round(optimal_count*100/total, 2) optimal_perc,
onepass_count, round(onepass_count*100/total, 2) onepass_perc,
multipass_count, round(multipass_count*100/total, 2) multipass_perc
(SELECT decode(sum(total_executions), 0, 1, sum(total_executions)) total,
sum(OPTIMAL_EXECUTIONS) optimal_count,
sum(ONEPASS_EXECUTIONS) onepass_count,
sum(MULTIPASSES_EXECUTIONS) multipass_count
FROM v$sql_workarea_histogram
WHERE low_optimal_size >= 64*1024);

=> für die Optimierung der PGA-Größe


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