Confluence - WIKI -> PDF-Export mehrerer Seiten
Exporting Multiple Pages or the Entire Space
* Berechtigungen
To export to PDF, you will need 'Export Space' permission which is assigned by a space administrator from the Space Administration screens. See Space Permissions or contact a space administrator for more information.
* Vorgehen
Go to the 'Advanced' view for the space. To do this:
Go to a page in the space, open the 'Browse' menu and select 'Advanced'. The 'Advanced' view will open.
Click 'PDF Export' in the left-hand panel
* Berechtigungen
To export to PDF, you will need 'Export Space' permission which is assigned by a space administrator from the Space Administration screens. See Space Permissions or contact a space administrator for more information.
* Vorgehen
Go to the 'Advanced' view for the space. To do this:
Go to a page in the space, open the 'Browse' menu and select 'Advanced'. The 'Advanced' view will open.
Click 'PDF Export' in the left-hand panel
Thank you very much for that explaination.